Somatic Resources
Alexander Technique
ATI: Alexander Technique International.
AmSAT: The American Society of the Alexander Technique
AWI: Alexander Workshops Inc. - Workshops in Columbus, Ohio, organized by William Conable, creator of Body Mapping.
Complete Guide to the Alexander Technique: As described, a thorough site with a section for musicians and many links, maintained by Robert Rickover, an Alexander teacher in Lincoln.
The Houston School for Alexander Technique: Teacher training course in Houston.
Body Mapping
Andover Educators: This is the website for all Andover Educators (the people who teach Body Mapping).
Other Helpful Websites
Performing Arts Medicine Association: The Performing Arts Medicine Association (PAMA) is a non-profit professional organization for physicians and other professional persons who are involved in treatment and/or research in the field of Performing Arts Medicine.
Websites for Musicians
Helen Spielman: Performance Anxiety Coaching
Mountain Peak Music: Publishes innovative method books for musicians who wish to stay healthy and become more efficient.
The Musician's Way Blog: Comprehensive resource by Gerald Klickstein that helps musicians become successful artists and professionals.
OboeMotions.com: A website for injured oboists and others interested in playing the oboe with free movement.
Pianomap.com: A website for injured pianists and others interested in free movement at the piano.